Canine Distemper – Can You Spot the Warning Signs?
For many of us, the thought of Canine Distemper isn't on our minds when taking our dog to the vet for their yearly checkup....
Puppy Biting – Learn to Stop This Nasty Habit
No Puppy Biting Allowed!
Teach Your Dog Proper Play Etiquette
Introduction to Puppy Biting
Puppy biting is a very common problem for new puppy owners. It is also...
Puppy Handling & Food Bowl Exercises
Teaching Your Puppy to Like Being Handled
Teaching your puppy to allow humans to touch, pet and/or groom her are extremely important lessons she needs...
Stages of Learning – A Training Framework
In our article on "How Dogs Learn", I touched on 2 major ways in which dogs learn new things about their environment. Through learned...
How Dogs Learn – Associative and Instrumental Learning
Watching a well-trained dog listen to his owner, and do exactly as he is instructed, is often a thing of amazement and wonder. Â This...
Pick a Puppy – Advice for Choosing Your New Friend
Your Adorable New Puppy
Let's face it. Puppies are downright cute. In fact, it's that cuteness factor that is probably responsible for the majority of...
Keep Your Dog Safe – Summertime Fun
Keeping Your Best Friend Safe During the Warm Summer Months
Whether it’s enjoying cookouts in the backyard, taking a refreshing swim after work, or going...